Powerful and cathartic stories of recovery and redemption

Marriage and Family Therapist Launches Four Best Selling Books

Noelle's Ark - Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief - Safe Harbor -  Adventure, Love, and Pirates

in The Adventures of the Angel Oleo series written by Dr. Audrey Levy.

All successful book launches were on Amazon.com with the books ranked as #1 Bestsellers in multiple categories

including Screenwriting.

Anyone who gets any of the books picked up by a Hollywood
producer will receive a 10% finders fee from the first cash advance.

Noelle's Ark

What if you could write a letter to your long-departed loved ones? And what if your loved ones answered back?

Years after her husband’s death, Noelle still has nightmares. But when her life, or what’s left of it, threatens to spiral out of control in the aftermath of codependency, alcoholism, violence, and abuse, an angel named Oleo intervenes.

Oleo recruits Noelle’s late husband Jimmy to visit her dreams, and together they encourage Noelle to write her way to recovery.

Through poignant written conversations with the angels of her dead loved ones, Noelle explores the tragedies of her past and searches for redemption.

In this gripping, emotional blend of memoir and fiction, Noelle’s Ark fuses elements of the supernatural with the harsh realities of alcoholism, abuse and dysfunctional family dynamics — ultimately finding survival, recovery, and hope.

What if you woke up in an ambulance and found yourself watching from a distance as paramedics frantically tried to save your life?

What if a beautiful angel named Oleo came to you and gave you the opportunity to see how you could change your past and thereby alter your future?

Elizabeth Elias was a disinherited agoraphobic who hadn't been out of her house for seven years.  Suddenly, she is invited to her niece's wedding, and she enlists the help of her next door neighbor, Noelle Splendor, to get her ready for the big day.

But the big day comes, and Elizabeth is shot in the head at the festivities... but by whom?  She can't remember... it's all too hazy... and she can't get the paramedics to pay attention to her, because they can't see or hear her.

Suddenly, Elizabeth finds herself in a forest filled with magic, and she is introduced to the Angel Oleo, who takes her back in time to see where it all went wrong.

During their travels, Elizabeth learns about intimacy by being allowed behind the scenes to see more about her next door neighbor Noelle's history.  Noelle was widowed at a young age, having lived with an alcoholic for 20 years, and Elizabeth hears the story of a Doctor.

Then Elizabeth must confront her own anger by learning more about her father's history in the story of a Lawyer.  By seeing her father's life story from his perspective, Elizabeth is able to understand why he disinherited her and suddenly it didn't hurt as much.

And, lastly, Oleo takes Elizabeth behind the scenes to see what her brother Samuel is really all about.  Samuel is one of the biggest Hollywood power brokers in history, an enigma to most of his clients and friends.  Elizabeth learns the story of her brother the Indian Chief, and realizes the importance of family.

Doctor, Lawyer, Indian Chief

Safe Harbor

When Noelle’s late husband Jimmy appears as an angel and encourages her to fantasize about falling in love again, Noelle creates a new life for herself with Jonathan — an alcoholic criminal attorney who is the Mob’s heir apparent consigliere.

After Jonathan and his ten-year-old son are victims of a hit-and-run accident on Christmas Day, Noelle is hired to help Jonathan recover. Despite trying to keep their relationship professional, sparks fly and Jonathan and Noelle soon fall in love.

When Jonathan learns his hit-and-run was no accident, he and Noelle must discover why the Mob was trying to kill him, and why they still want him dead.

Will Noelle and Jonathan be able to stop the Mob in time? Or will Jonathan and his young son become yet another loss in Noelle’s tragic life?

In this continuation of Noelle’s Ark in The Adventures of the Angel Oleo, this story - akin to “Goodfellas” meets “The Miracle Worker” - is one you won’t want to miss.

Adventure, Love And Pirates

Once upon a time, there were Nazis. . . this story, however, has a happy ending and takes place in 1994.

Born in Paris, Noelle Rue celebrated her first birthday on the day the Nazis invaded the city. Most of her family escaped, and as an adult in New York, Noelle teaches seventh graders about the Environment.

Shortly after her French grandfather dies, Noelle's French grandmother, Simone, claims she is having repetitive dreams about an angel named Oleo, who insists that she and Noelle must hire a captain to sail them around the world, so they can live happily ever after.

The angel Oleo is adamant that they go quickly in order to find adventure and love before it's too late for both of them. Noelle, of course, refuses her dotty grandmother, claiming that what they will find is pirates, but grandmothers are pretty sneaky about getting their way. . .

NOTE: This story contains language and themes for mature audiences.

The Dog Bible for Humans

Advice from dogs for human of all ages

(National Alliance for Mental Illness)

The Angel Oleo has a small favor to ask, and you are in no way obligated to do it, but Oleo believes the answer will always be no if you never ask. ALL the Noelle's Ark eBooks in the series – that’s 100% – of the GROSS profits of ALL the Noelle's Ark eBooks are going to NAMI. Thank you for buying Noelle's Ark for 99-cents to help mental health recovery. Please share this good deed on social media.

(National Alliance for Mental Illness)

The Angel Oleo has a small favor to ask, and you are in no way obligated to do it, but Oleo believes the answer will always be no if you never ask. ALL the Noelle's Ark eBooks in the series – that’s 100% – of the GROSS profits of ALL the Noelle's Ark eBooks are going to NAMI. Thank you for buying at least one of The Adventures of the Angel Oleo for 99-cents to help mental health recovery and share this good deed on social media.

The Adventures of the Angel Oleo Trilogy

A powerfully cathartic and emotional reading experience—one you’ll never forget. What if you could write a letter to your long-departed loved ones and they answered back?

Once upon a time, a princess named Elizabeth was born with the proverbial silver spoon in her mouth. Her family hoped, that one day she would marry a rich and handsome prince, and they would all live happily ever after.

When Noelle’s late husband Jimmy appears as an angel and encourages her to fantasize about falling in love again, Noelle creates a new life for herself with Jonathan — an alcoholic criminal attorney who is the Mob’s heir apparent consigliere.

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