About Oleo

About Oleo

The message of The Adventures of the Angel Oleo is about survival and hope for healing the wounds of the past. Whether or not you believe in angels, Plato and Aristotle were convinced that angels exist.

In modern times, polls suggest that nearly 70 percent of Americans think angels are real. In their book Paranormal America, sociologists Christopher Bader, F. Carson Mencken, and Joseph Baker note, "Angels pervade popular culture in books, television shows, and movies. ...Believers exchange informal testimonials in newsletters and interpersonal conversations about the potential power of angels to influence the world, and more than half of Americans (53 percent) believe that they have personally been saved from harm by a guardian angel."


  • Oleo and I have a Vision ~ that this book series will help mend broken people with "therapy that isn't therapy," and as an addendum, create a charitable foundation that serves battered and abused families, children, and individuals of all ages, gender, races, and religions without qualification.
  • The PURPOSE of this vision is to help eliminate famine, poverty, and war in our generation. I think that evolution is five steps forward and three steps backward   I think that it is each generation's responsibility to move those two steps in between and this is my contribution.
  • The Long Term Objective: Help eliminate famine, poverty, and war in our generation.

You know how everybody has at least one member of their family that has an alleged mental illness?  In my book series, The Adventures of the Angel Oleo, I bring everyone their own guardian angel to combat the mental illness.  The Angel Oleo is the new Tinker Bell.

From my experience as a Doctor of Psychology and a Life Coach for over 40 years, I can help family members who are being impacted by the actions of the relatives with mental illness, as well as help the identified patient find the road to healing.  I, myself, was a mess.  I was suicidal and I learned how to survive and heal the wounds of my past by engaging with the Angel Oleo, and  I can teach you how.

The Adventures of the Angel Oleo show you how to:

1. Transform pain to pleasure
2. Transform grief to joy
3. Transform pessimism to optimism
4. Transform suicidal ideation to a desire to live a more meaningful life

5. Regain Confidence
6. Return to Productive Functioning
7. Be open to new experiences
8. Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

The accomplishment of these Learning Objectives will lead to a Positive Transformation from a grieving human to a joyful human, who has a sense of fulfillment. Instead of forcing oneself to have closure for someone, this opens an entirely different relationship. Angels are much nicer and wiser entities than humans, resulting in a substantial conversation, whereas there might have been friction before.

The beauty of The Adventures of the Angel Oleo is that you don't have to believe in angels to gain therapeutic value. The exercise, itself, of conversing with alleged angels will benefit you a great deal. You will surprise yourself when you read back what these alleged angels have said.